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Simply Money

Each weeknight at 6pm, Simply Money makes money simple for you. Join hosts Amy Wagner and Bob Sponseller as they share easy-to-understand and...Full Bio


Take control of your future by focusing on these 7 retirement planning must

What does retirement look like to you?

Even more importantly, do your savings, investments, and money habits have you on track to get there?

A new survey from TD Ameritrade finds that most Americans see retirement as a fresh start and a time to pursue new goals. Yet, 60% of those surveyed don’t know if they’ll have enough money in retirement to support their projected lifestyle. That’s not encouraging.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You have the power to take the initiative to plan your future.

At Simply Money Advisors we’ve been helping clients retire well for 25 years, which has allowed us to pinpoint the seven major ‘decision points’ we believe anyone approaching retirement should embrace and implement to increase their chances of living a successful retirement:

  • Retirement income needs (determining what income will need to be replaced when you stop working)
  • Expense and debt management (analyzing how to reduce debt loads prior to retirement)
  • Tax planning (strategically planning the timing of retirement withdrawals and the amounts)
  • Investment management (maximizing the returns on your investments to create sufficient income to preserve your principal)
  • Risk management (controlling or minimizing the impact of unforeseen events on your money)
  • Estate and legacy planning (figuring out what will happen to your money and possessions when you’re gone)
  • Distribution and income sources (analyzing the best sources from which to derive your income, and in what sequence)

Approaching your retirement with this kind of comprehensive planning will help you get answers to the questions we know you have about retirement, including the big question, “Will I be OK?”

And isn’t knowing so much better than not knowing? Don’t be the person who buries their head in the sand.

The Simply Money Point

Preparing for retirement is something most people think about, but many hesitate to begin.

If you’re nearing retirement, it’s time to take control. By working with a qualified financial advisor to create a personalized financial plan that addresses these seven key areas, you’ll have the confidence to live the retirement you want.

And to learn more about how to make a smooth transition into retirement, including a more in-depth look at our seven decision points, reserve your spot at one of our retirement planning workshops during the week of October 22nd. Seating is limited – and they’re our last events of 2018 – so register today.

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