Plants of the Week - October 6th 2018

This weekend on our show are the Tree Amigos….as we talk about the benefits of planting trees, how to choose the right tree for the right spot, and our favorite suggested trees to consider planting.  So I figured I would use my favorite as the plant of the week.  Now I love Green Lace-leafed Japanese Maples.  They are just the cat’s meow.  But we’re talking larger growing trees, so my favorite larger growing tree would be almost a tie between Bur Oak and Ginkgo.  Ginkgo has such a great history behind it, and yes, it’s one of the oldest living things on Earth.  Those fan shaped leaves, unusual branching, great golden yellow fall colors…they all make this simply one outstanding tree.  And when several scientists and arborists were asked what tree they felt would still be around in 50 years, they all agreed Ginkgo.  And there are new cultivars available, including one that would allow anyone and everyone to have a Ginkgo…”Mariken Dwarf “, a dwarf Ginkgo (2-3’) that would fit in any garden.  By the way, make sure your Ginkgo…not many folks like the smell of the fruits from the females.   SO, I’m going to go with Quercus macrocarpa as my favorite tree pick; good ole Bur Oak and also called Mossycup Oak.  A native oak, interesting corky bark and over time, developing a massive trunk and really broad crown (50-70’ high and wide).  It’s such a majestic and bold tree as it matures. Love the large dark green fiddle shaped leaves, and although when hit by its acorns may put you into a comma, the huge acorn is almost totally covered with a cap, fringed on the edges.  Tolerates a wide range of soil types, hardy, slow growing, but well worth the wait.  Definitely plant this one for the future.

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