As the lame duck session kicks off, Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) is announcing its lame duck session legislative priorities. AFP-OH’s State Director Donovan O’Neil discusses these priorities and opportunities that remain to advance policies for economic progress in this session.
These priorities include, but are not limited to:
- SB 131 – AFP-OH will support this bill for universal occupational licensing recognition
- HB 315 – AFP-OH will support this bill on criminal justice reform and bail reform
- HB 563 – AFP-OH will support this bill that limits local regulation of short-term rental properties
- HB 235 – AFP will fight against this bill that requires union labor mandated for refinery contracting projects
To fight against HB 235, AFP-OH will deploy a six figure ad buy and mobilization of their grassroots capabilities through digital ads, mail campaigns, signage and more. I would be happy to share these ad graphics, as well as the timing of these ads, if you are interested in hearing more.
AFP-OH State Director, Donovan O’Neil, issued the following statement regarding AFP-OH’s lame duck session priorities:
“The upcoming lame duck session will provide our legislators with an opportunity to enact meaningful measures before the proverbial clock strikes midnight. AFP-OH has identified key upcoming legislation that breaks barriers to opportunity for Ohioans through economic progress and criminal justice reform. AFP-OH believes that economic progress and growth are driven by individual empowerment, creativity, and innovation. As an organization, we are ready to make sure that our lawmakers drive opportunities to advance progress for our state and the wonderful people in it during the lame duck session.”