11 Summer Gardening Tips

Since summer is the time for relaxing, here are 11 easy summer gardening tips to keep your gardening looking great throughout summer and into fall.

  1. Dead-head spent flowers on annuals, perennials, rose, etc. to encourage new growth and more flowers.
  2. Feed your plants as needed, especially container plantings, to promote new growth and more flowers.
  3. Watch out for weeds and do not let them flower and seed! Reapply pre-emergent herbicides in the landscape and gardens for summer weed seed control.
  4. Monitor for leaf diseases and insect issues. Not sure what it is or whether it needs to be controlled? Take a picture and email it to me.
  5. Water plants as needed. It is best to water in the early morning or late evening. As a general rule, established plants like 1” of rainfall every ten days or so for optimum growth. Newly planted trees and shrubs may require watering a bit more often. Always check before you water to be sure. (Moisture meters inserted into the root ball can help you determine whether to water. When you do, water it deeply and thoroughly. Do not be a water tease!
  6. Mow the lawn on a regular basis, mow at a higher level rather than lower (2.5 – 3.5 inches), never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade each time you mow, throw those clippings back into the turf (like feeding an extra time), change directions when you mow, and keep that mower blade sharpened!
  7. Are your annuals getting leggy? Feel free to cut them back and let them re-grow like a fresh new plant.
  8. If you need to treat for grubs, apply a grub preventer in June thru mid-July.
  9. Do not apply insecticides or fungicides when the temps are exceeding 80-85 degrees. Always follow the label.
  10. Plan for your fall garden which starts late July and into August. A great place to start is at Natorp’s Plant Store online, where you can save your plant list. Don’t forget those late-season crops: Beets, squash, cabbage, radishes, collards, carrots, beans, turnips, lettuce and spinach.
  11. Keep harvesting herbs and veggies as needed. If you have grown too much for your family to eat, please consider donating to a food bank.

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