Plant of the Week - August 17th 2019

If you haven’t noticed this summer, one perennial that has been blooming its heads off is Rudbeckia…commonly known as Black-eyed Susan.And this year a new selection has hit town and yes, it’s the real deal!

Rudbeckia x American Gold Rush - 2020 AAS Herbaceous Perennial Winner

American Gold Rush’s bright, golden-yellow flowers with black centers and arched petals is a gorgeous addition to any garden. This compact, upright domed-shaped beauty has narrow 2-inch wide hairy foliage bred for its resistance to Septoria leaf spot. This hybrid shows no signs of the fungus even in wet, humid conditions. Blooming from July to September, with some color up until frost, this cultivar has smaller foliage and shorter height compared to other rudbeckia varieties. Incredibly easy to grow and pollinators love it. Destined to be the new rudbeckia staple for gardens and landscapes!Categories: Container Suitable, Cut Flower, Herbaceous Perennials, National, Pollinator Friendly, Rudbeckia

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