Community Electronics Recycling Day

Saturday, October 19, 2019

10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Winton Woods Harbor

10245 Winton Road

The Sustainability Committee of Mount St. Joseph University and Great Parks of Hamilton County are proud to sponsor a community electronics recycling day on Saturday, October 19, in the north parking lot of Winton Woods Harbor. There are no residency requirements to drop off items and Great Parks will be waiving their Motor Vehicle Permit for entrance to the event. ANY item with an electrical cord will be accepted. This includes all TVs (any size), refrigerators and all other household appliances (microwaves, washers, vacuum cleaners, etc.), cell phones, game systems, iPods, Blackberries, MP3 players, digital cameras, GPS units, e-readers, all computers and related accessories (such as keyboards, printers, portable hard drives, and scanners), VCR/DVD/CD players, fax machines, copiers, surge protectors, power cables and charging cords, electronic wiring, and satellite components.

A $15 donation is requested for each small TV/computer monitor dropped off and a $25 donation is requested for each large TV (consoles, large flat screens, and rear projection TVs). For those without TVs to drop off, a $10 donation is requested per vehicle. These donations help to defray both transportation costs and disposal fees for the hazardous waste components of the items to be recycled. They also support Mount St. Joseph University and Great Parks in their ongoing sustainability efforts.

RecycleForce, a non-profit from Indianapolis, will de-manufacture items and shred all hard drives to address any privacy concerns. The plastics, glass, and metals are then collected, packaged, and sold to build new components, while all toxic elements, such as lead and mercury, will be disposed of properly to avoid environmental contamination. RecycleForce provides transitional jobs to formerly incarcerated people, helping them to rebuild their lives and increase their chances of sustained future employment. 

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