Plant of the Week - Containers for Mom

Its Mother’s Day weekend….so our plant picks are plants mom would like indoors or out, in the ground or in containers.And there are so many great plants available that Mom’s would love its crazy!But how about one of these ideas:

Herb Planter - If Mom enjoys using herbs, fresh or dried, it is sooooo easy to take a shallow 12-14 -18 inch pot and plant an herb planter filled with some of Mom’s favorite herbs!All the planter needs is a sunny to partially sunny location, feed once a month, water as needed, and Mom has a great looking container, that also smells great, which will provide her with her favorite herbs right at her fingertips (place it on the porch or patio area).

Butterfly Weed – What Mom does not enjoy watching butterflies in the garden?Again, it can be as simple as in ground or in containers, but plant Mom butterfly weed (milkweed) in her garden or in containers!There are several annual butterfly weeds available, as well as the perennial selections.Great foliage, great flowers, and yes, loads of butterflies.This is truly a ‘plant it and they will come’ situation.

Pollinator Garden – How can Mom help the pollinators and enjoy watching them do their thing?Plant her a pollinator garden, again in the ground or in containers.And use a combination of annuals and perennials that are pollinator magnets…magnets for all pollinators, and then watch the show.And Mom is helping the local pollinators as well!Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

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