Plant of the Week - Shasta Daisies

Great flowers, good pollinator plant, easy to care for and makes a nice cut flower…and did I mention it’s a perennial and comes back every year?I’m talking about ‘Becky’ Shasta Daisy, and many of the Shasta daisies are getting budded and ready to put on their summer show!Sunny locations…sunny borders…perfect for the Shasta Daisies.‘Becky’ has been around quite a while and proven why she gets so much respect and continued planting in the perennial garden.(Remove fading flowers to increase blooming time.)Check out ‘Becky’ and many of the other great Shasta Daisy selections!

Shasta Daisy - Becky

Shasta Daisy - Snowcap

Shasta Daisy - Banana Cream

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