Empower U - November 4 - Booker T Washington

The Incredible Life of Booker T. Washington Examined Tonight!

EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA

225 Northland Blvd

Cincinnati Ohio 45246

Thursday, November 4, 2021

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Class Sponsored by Gary and Barb Horwitz

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Document 2

Join EmpowerU and Professor of Political Science at Ashland University, Gregory McBrayer, as he relates the life story of the often overlooked American Historical figure Booker T. Washington. 

Booker T. Washington was born on April 5,1865 and became an educator, author, speaker and confidant of U.S. Presidents.  Born into slavery, he was a leading voice for civil rights for African Americans. His voice and message continues to play a fundamental role in the ongoing civil rights debate today. Gregory McBrayer will paint the picture of the life of Booker T. Washington from being born into slavery, struggling against disenfranchisement and “Jim Crow” laws to mobilizing coalitions of blacks and whites focusing on self-reliance, self- help and the concept of “racial uplift”. Enjoy learning about this important American historical figure, his personal challenges living in the South immediately after the Civil War and his important contribution to healing the wounds of a nation torn by the war which pit brother against brother.

Do not miss this opportunity to hear from this amazing speaker who is passionate and knowledgeable about this subject and genuinely cares about true American History!


From 7:05-7:25–an important session featuring Corrinne Vidales– about the Backpack Bill.  Literacy, Lawyers, and Lobbying: How a young lawyer has been led to transform education legislation after years of service in children’s nonprofits and legal research on the state of education rights. The daughter of educator learned that parents truly are the first and primary educators of their children and we need a system that support them in that role. The “Backpack Bill” is one initiative that will give parents freedom in educating their children.  Learn about this important possibility for Ohio parents and students.  Will you help?

Speaker Bios:

Gregory A. McBrayer, assistant professor of political science and director of the core curriculum, joined Ashland University in 2017.  He teaches courses in political philosophy and international relations.  Prior to coming to Ashland, he was an assistant professor at Morehead State University, a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University, and a visiting assistant professor at Gettysburg College.  He has published articles in Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy and Kentron: Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Antique, as well as reviews in InterpretationThe Journal for Hellenic StudiesThe American Journal of Islamic Social Science, and Political Science Quarterly.  He is the author (with Mary Nichols and Denise Schaeffer) of Plato’s Euthydemus (Focus, 2011) and is the editor of Xenophon: The Shorter Writings (Cornell, forthcoming).

Corrinne Vidales is an attorney and lobbyist at Center for Christian Virtue where she serves as Assistant Director for the Ohio Christian Education Network. Corrinne is a graduate of Bowling Green Statue University and Ave Maria School of Law. During Law school she interned with the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations and well as Heartbeat International. Prior to her legal career, Corrinne worked with Catholic Charities in Syracuse, New York and Toledo, OH. it was these charity programs as well as her educator parents that influenced her interest in Education Law and Policy. Today, she is blessed to work on amazing initiatives with OCEN and CCV like the Backpack Bill

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