City Councilman Mark Jeffreys discusses pedestrian safety

Councilman Mark Jeffreys gathers national experts to discuss local pedestrian safety for the first-ever “Safer Streets Now” forum


WHAT: Pedestrian safety is an urgent issue in Cincinnati with 305 pedestrians hit by car crashes and seven fatally injured in 2021. Our current approach to addressing this challenge is too slow. To spur action and creative solutions, Councilman Mark Jeffreys is gathering national experts to host the first-ever “Safer Streets Now” pedestrian safety forum. This is the first of multiple efforts to make our streets safer. Recently, Councilman Jeffreys and Councilwoman Meeka Owens submitted a motion that was unanimously approved by Council requesting a report on the costs and feasibility of alternative designs for curb extensions, also known as “bump-outs,” inspired by solutions in other cities that are less expensive and faster to implement. Councilman Jeffreys also submitted a motion that was approved last week asking for the administration to develop a comprehensive safer streets plan across all 52 neighborhoods inclusive of proven ways to calm traffic. Councilman Jeffreys is the vice-chair of Cincinnati City Council’s Climate, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee, which oversees matters involving public pedestrian safety.


WHEN: The event will take place on March 1 beginning at 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: Hirsch Recreation Complex, 3630 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45229

HOW: For more information on how to attend, please visit

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