Fall is a great time to plant for many reasons

The main reason is plants are shutting down their tops for the season and getting ready for winter. During this time, their roots kick into high gear. Did you know that plants develop more roots in the Fall than any other time the rest of the year?

In the spring, a plant concentrates on new growth and flowers. In the Fall, a plant’s focus is on establishing new or more roots. By planting and transplanting your trees and plants in the Fall, you provide a jump start on the following spring.

Another great reason, Mother Nature sows many of her seeds and nuts in the Fall for cold stratification enabling the seeds to germinate and grow next spring. 


The cooler Fall temperatures are easier both on plants and gardeners because of fewer weeds and watering. The majority of weeds will shut down for the season. Also, with Fall’s increase in rainfall, it means less watering in the garden.

These are the reasons we say Fall is for planting! 

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