Empower U - April 18 - Lauren Bowen - Unions and Elections

In 2020, after leaving state government working on the Ohio checkbook initiative, Lauren has led a project to hold government unions and teachers’ unions accountable as Ohio director of the Freedom Foundation. This work has involved illuminating the corruption in Ohio politics connected to government union money. As Larry Householder stands trial for the largest political bribery scheme in the Ohio House and conservative leaders were hoodwinked out of the speakers gavel in January of 2023, the nefarious manipulation and scheming by government unions has never been more obvious. While these discrete ties are unfortunate, Lauren feels it is imperative that Ohio stakeholders and parents know the truth about how and why their voice is being silenced at the Ohio house. Because of how loud government union money talks. After this presentation, she hopes you will have clarity and understanding about the reason that policy and legislative priorities that are important to the people of Ohio, get sidestepped in state government. Despite being promised differently during campaign season.

Click HERE to Read Lauren Bowen’s article, “Union Money, Not Ohio Voters, Decided the State Agenda”.

Lauren Bowen: Ohio Director- Lauren is a lifelong Ohio resident and calls Cincinnati home. After earning a master’s degree in international politics from Wright State University in 2014, she led an innovative, first of its kind, digital government accountability and transparency project, called the Ohio Checkbook. Through that leadership experience, Lauren developed a fierce determination to undermine government corruption. She has since joined the Freedom Foundation as State Director to fight union tyranny and oppression.

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