Rob Montz-There is No Free Speech "Crisis" on Campus: The Trial of Amy Wax.

Come along with us to some of the most prestigious colleges in America. We’ve come to campus to bury forever a popular culture warrior talking point: there is no college free speech “crisis.” Crisis requires conflict. It requires warring parties. And on campus today, the war is... over. The dissidents lost, and the mono-culture is the new normal.

Our first episode features the case of Amy Wax, professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Wax is on the brink of having her tenure broken and job dissolved for the offense of... expressing controversial political opinions.

A product of working class upstate New York, Wax has been unapologetically critical of affirmative action, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," and other left-wing shibboleths.

Features an interview with Brown professor Glenn Loury.

“There is No Free Speech "Crisis" on Campus: The Trial of Amy Wax.”


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