George Brunemann - NO Vote on March Colerain Police Levy

Fundraiser on Monday. It's a BBQ dinner at Izaak Walton Lodge. $50 per person. 6pm to 7:30pm

Details are at FriendsOfLiberty.US

This is NOT an issue with the Colerain Police but is yet another example of the elected officials not listening to the voters!

In November 7, 2023, the Township placed a levy on the ballot:

  • 4.65 mils to generate $6.313 million
  • It failed 8302 to 10756
  • 56% voted against the levy, even though there was no opposition!

On December 12th, just 35 days later, the trustees voted for a new levy

  • In those 35 days, the county reassessed all property values
    • Average increase was 28%
  • The trustees considered a new levy at 3, 3.65 and 3.99 mils
  • The selected new levy is 3.65 mils to generate $6.638 million
    • That is $325k more or 5% higher than the levy that just failed!
  • When pressed on that increase the trustee that set the 3.65 mil level stated
    • “it's it's kind of funny because I just threw it in there at the last second”
    • I included the recording (it's 49 seconds) Not required but just wanted to provide documentation.

So basically, how much money the Colerain Police need to remain effective, has nothing to do with the amount they are asking for on the ballot!

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