Bath time with Rita

The two ingredients that are key here are sea salt and epsom salt. 

The dry milk is a soothing ingredient.  Epsom salt is soothing to sore muscles. A little more or less of any ingredient is OK for both salts and soap. And if you want to really make it just like the expensive versions at the bath & body shops, add a tablespoon or so of fine granulated sugar and pack a few vitamin E tablets in which will melt in the hot bath water. The sugar is antiseptic and scrubs your skin and makes it soft, while the vitamin E acts as an anti-oxidant and is soothing to cuts and scrapes.

Master Recipe:

If you use any ground herbs, put the bath salt mixture in a large teaball or make a tied pouch with muslin. That way, you won’t clog your drain.

Mix together:

1 cup Epsom salt

¼ cup sea salt

2 tablespoons baking soda


1 tablespoon dry goats milk

1 tablespoon regular (not instant) oats, run through a blender (opt)

1-2 tablespoons bath herbs of your choice, finely ground or not, your choice, or a few drops essential bath oil of your choice

2 teaspoons granulated sugar

Vitamin E capsules

To use, pour ¼ cup into a hot bath.

Cold & Flu Bath Salts:

One of my favorite bath salts to make for when we have a cold or flu is to add a teaspoon each of dried lemon balm or mint, thyme and eucalyptus to the basic bath salt recipe.

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