Ohio Fruit News (OFN) - Amy Stone

The latest edition of the Ohio Fruit News (OFN) was recently distributed, and I thought there might be some BYGL readers out there that are not current subscribers, but would find this resource useful. The newsletter is developed by a team of Ohio State University Small Fruit and Tree Fruit State Specialists, and Extension Educators and Staff, with support from the Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program and the Department of Plant Pathology - Fruit Pathology Program. Ohio Fruit News provides fruit growers with the most current and relevant information for managing diseases, insect pests and weeds affecting all fruit crops produced in Ohio.


The current issue includes the following information for small and tree fruit growers in Ohio: 

  • Fruit Tree Planting Tips
  • Updates on Chlorpyrifos
  • Tips for Tuning Up Your Sprayer
  • Woolly Apple Aphid Identification and Management
  • Best Practices for Plant Strawberries 


You can find the newsletter at: https://u.osu.edu/fruitpathology/fruit-news-2/


In addition to being the online space that is keeper of the most current and past OFN newsletters, the OSU Fruit Pathology Laboratory website includes links to Fact Sheets, Publications, Resources, Diagnostics and Fresh Produce Safety. 


If after reading the March edition of OFN and you find yourself interested in subscribing to it directly, please reach out Dr. Melanie Ivey at ivey.14@osu.edu or 330-263-3849. 

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