Plants of the Week - April 27th - Butterweed and Double Vibernum

WEED – This bold weed can reach heights of 2-3 feet easily, has absolutely wonderful glossy green cress shaped leaves, and the golden yellow flower on top is simply divine. And when you see them growing in masses in unplowed fields, it can be one heck of a show! Have you seen them? Hey, they may have even popped up in your yard and garden. It’s Packera glabella (formerly Senico genus) or known to you and me as Cressleaf Groundsel (and Butterweed). It’s another one of those winter annuals and loves cooler wet springs. And yes, it does contain toxic properties which can affect livestock. Nonselective vegetation killers will take care of it, as well as many other herbicides such as 2-4-D, dicamba, etc. Once bolting and flowering it becomes difficult to kill with herbicides. Hand pulling or cultivation is also very effective in controlling this invasive beauty.

FLOWERING SHRUB – Oh, how I love this shrub when its in flower. Truly an eye-catching show in the landscape and border plantings. It’s Viburnum plicatum tomentosum, or commonly known as ‘Doublefile Viburnim’. Maressi and Shasta are 2 of the more common ones sold in nurseries.

Right now, the branches are covered with masses of white flowers that literally lay on top of the branches, like arms covered with flowers. In the summer, the foliage is outstanding, followed by great red / maroon fall colors and yes, even a few fall ornamental berries. Takes sun or pretty good amounts of shade, medium growth rate, and can reach 6-8 feet high and wide, easily, pollinators love the flowers, birds love the berries, and deer don’t seem to favor this one too much. I do!

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