Plant pick of the week - Chinese Dogwood

Just about every flowering tree has put on a tremendous show this spring. So far we have seen outstanding shows of colors, numbers of flowers, and long lasting as well.

This week’s pick has been no exception as it, too, has been putting on one heck of a show, and is amazing how many folks don’t know what it is. Kind of looks like a dogwood, leaves sort of like a dogwood, flowers are like a dogwood but larger with more of a point and the flowers seem to lay on the branches. And we’re seeing them growing in the sun or partial sun. So what is it? It’s a dogwood, but it’s not from here. Its Cornus kousa, or commonly known as ‘Chinese Dogwood’. And there are so many great selections of Chinese Dogwoods today its unreal! Milky Way, Blue Shadow, Celestial Shadow, Gold Star, Greensleeves, Radiant Rose, Scarlet Fire, Snow Tower, Summer Fun, Venus, and even weeping selections. Most stay in the 20-20’ high and wide range, most grow in full to partial sun, and are later bloomers than their cousin Cornus florida. Oh, and did I mention showy fruit, good fall colors, and some hardy to Zone 4? Plant as a specimen, mass plantings, borders, hedging, etc.

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