Brian Thomas

Brian Thomas

Based in Cincinnati, OH, the Brian Thomas Morning Show covers news and politics, both local and national, from a libertarian point of view.Full Bio


Flightless Honor Flight


Saturday, April 27, 2019 2 pm


9840 Montgomery Rd., Montgomery, OH 45242

Honor Flight Tri-State Is a Cincinnati-based non-profit organization created to honor America’s Veterans for their sacrifices.Since Honor Flight Tri-State began to fly veterans to Washington DC over 14 years ago to see their memorials built in their honor, we realize with the passing of time that many veterans are now wheelchair bound and can no longer fly due to health reasons.We would like to honor these veterans with a Flightless Honor Flight, a virtual tour of Washington DC.

The Flightless Honor Flight is designed to honor all veterans for their service.We realize that the long Honor Flight Tri-State trip may not be for everyone. The Flightless Program will give these veterans a proper “thank you” for their service too. All veterans age 65 and over who have served either stateside or overseas, war time or peace time are eligible to participate in this Flightless Honor Flight program if they are not able to participate in the regular Honor Flight Tri-State trip to Washington DC.

The veteran and one other person (a guardian escort), will report to Twin Lakes Retirement Community on April 27th. The opening ceremony will begin promptly at 2 p.m. in the Davies Center where the Ambassadors will treat them to an Honor Flight Tri-State “virtual tour” of the memorials, special presentation of souvenirs and light refreshments.

Veterans will experience the Welcome Ceremony, Color Guard, Bagpipers, Mail Call, and upon exiting, and they will be treated to the Welcome Home they never got.When the Program is over, about 2 hours later, the veterans and their guardians will exit the auditorium and be greeted by additional family members and other revelers.

The Welcome Home Revelers should report by 3 pm outside the Davies Center

The Public is welcome to Welcome Home Rally

Contact Dee Daniels at 513-277-9626 or Carole Quackenbush, Coordinator at 513-518-0377 for applications and details. Deadline to apply is Friday, April 5, 2019.Applications may be downloaded from “flightless tab”.

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