Election Day
When: Tuesday, November 5th
Where: Local Polling location
Head to the polls on Tuesday to vote for your local candidates. Polls open at 6:30am and close at 7:30pm.
Come and hear candidate- Butler County Judge Noah Power and hear a powerful summary about what is happening in the Ohio House and Senate.
EmpowerU – Saying Goodbye to Vietnam
When: Thursday, November 7, 2019 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA 225 Northland Blvd Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Fifty years ago, in 1969, Ken Williamson went to Vietnam as a U.S. Army photographer. Armed with a BFA degree in photography and an old Leica camera, Ken began his journey to document the activities of the Army Engineers as he traveled throughout South Vietnam as an Army Photojournalist. Hoping one day to publish a book about his experience, he used the opportunity to also capture the beauty of the country and the struggle of the Vietnamese people to survive the horrors of war.Following two return trips to Vietnam in 1998 and 2005, Ken published “Saying Goodbye to Vietnam”.
Ken will present an engaging story of how he documented Army Engineer activities for three publications, struggled with thoughts of why our country had a military presence in Vietnam, and dealt with thoughts of his pregnant wife living halfway around the world without him. Hear and see what life was like as a photographer in a combat zone and learn what Ken discovered about Vietnam during his two return trips.From developing film in lake water, to capturing daily events under the most challenging tropical conditions, you’ll experience Vietnam at war and at peace through Ken’s words and photographs. He will read excerpts from his book, including letters between Nixon and Ho Chi Minh, poetry he wrote during his 1998 trip to help with his healing process, and share the experience of meeting a former Viet Cong soldier who was left in a field to die.
When: Monday, November 11, 2019 (Veterans Day) 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Where: Washington Heights Baptist Church 5650 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45429
WE'RE GOING TO WAR!MVCI will be meeting this month on the day designated by our nation to honor Veterans who have served in the various branches of our Military.We have been blessed to have brave and dedicated men and women who have given of their time, their talents and, in many situations, their lives.They deserve our gratitude and it is fitting that we honor them! At our meeting on November 11th MVCI will be focusing on WAR!
However it is a different type of war, but nevertheless a war that is also serious.We welcome as our speaker, Mrs. Rebecca McDonald, Founder and President of Women At Risk, International - W.A.R.
Women At Risk is an organization whose purpose is to rescue women and children around the world as well as here in the USA.These are women and even young children who have been abducted and are being abused in the sex trafficking business and/or have been forced into prostitution just in order to survive.Women At Risk also provides education and training in various skills to enable women to survive without going back into the same situations from which they were rescued.
Butler County Women’s Republican Club
When: Monday, November 11th at 7pm
Where: Spinning Forchetta, on Rt 4
The BCRWC November meeting will be held at Spinning Forchetta, Elks Country Club, Monday, November 11 at 7 pm.The general membership meeting will start at 7 pm.The Board meeting will start at 6 pm.Guest speaker will be Attorney John Holcomb who is candidate for Common Pleas Court Judge.All Butler Co. Republican Women are encouraged to attend.Also associate members are encouraged to attend.
Wilks Lecture: Former Ohio Governor John Kasich - Hosted by Miami University Regionals
When: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 7 PM – 9:30 PM
Where: Parrish Auditorium. 1601 University Blvd, Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Former Ohio Governor and New York Times bestselling author John Kasich shares his reflections on business, government, and the power of individuals to affect change at every level during the annual Harry T. Wilks Lecture Distinguished Series. Seating is limited, RSVP today MiamiOH.edu/Regionals/RSVP.
Blue Ash Republican Club Meeting
When: Wednesday, November 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Blue Ash Recreation Center, lower level - 4433 Cooper Road - 45242
Featured Speaker: Ohio Supreme Court Justice Sharon Kennedy
Empower U Presents – The Deficit Mess and Other Upcoming Landmines
When: Thursday, November 14, 2019 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA 225 Northland Blvd Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
RSVP: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=wy6u5xeab&oeidk=a07egkthdxg148f9029
Four years ago EmpowerU discussed the finances of the U.S. Government and looked at the question—Is the U.S. the Next Greece?Join Dan this semester as we take new look at what has happened to our Government spending since a Republican administration took over in the White House in 2016.
The Tea Party was started in 2009 with its stated goal of Fiscal Responsibility being one of its most important goals.How did the Tea Party and its followers do?We will take a look at the budget of the U.S. Government and make it simple for you to understand.Where does the United States get its revenue?What are it’s expenses?What is the Debt?What is our Deficit?What happens if the Government takes on some of the wish lists that the Democratic Candidates are talking about:The Green New Deal, Reparations, Forgiveness of Student Debt and Free Health Care?What happens when interest rates start to rise like they must do at some point in time?What other landmines are just around the corner?
Recently, several important Economists and President Trump have stated that deficits and debt do not matter and are not important.Is this the truth?Should we all just jump on board—maybe spend more.Join Dan Regenold as he breaks down this subject in a way that you can understand it and maybe bring us back to the reality zone!
Celebrate Life Banquet! Presented by the Community Pregnancy Center
When: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: Marriot North West Chester
It's our largest fundraiser of the year!Enjoy an incredible evening of great food, great entertainment, and helping families!We look forward to seeing YOU there. Find out more by clicking here! www.pregnancychoice.net/enough-is-enough-celebrate-life-banquet/
Republican Women of Warren County
When: Monday, December 2nd at 6:30
Where: Golden Lamb in Lebanon
Please join the Republican Women of Warren County’s annual Christmas Dinner.Meet members, potential members, elected officials. Cost $35.RSVP to Karen Hoffman, hoffkaren65@yahoo.com