Brian Thomas

Brian Thomas

Based in Cincinnati, OH, the Brian Thomas Morning Show covers news and politics, both local and national, from a libertarian point of view.Full Bio


Rachel Selby looking for your vote in Ohio Senate District 6

Pro-Life Issues are Child Welfare Issues

As a mother, I believe being pro-life is not only about protecting the unborn. While I will always fight for the rights of children who are still in the womb, it is vitally important thatallchildren have rights, regardless of their age. We must be careful to not be only pro-birth, but also be supportive of vulnerable women and the unwanted or unplanned children entering our society. Here’s why:

  • 1 in 5 children in Montgomery County are currently experiencing food insecurity
  • 23%of Ohio’s children are living in poverty
  • 2,000 children(approx.) in the Dayton area are in foster or kinship care

If we are truly pro-life, we must address these challenges in our fight for the rights of children. Our state also needs better legislation that ensures children are given the right to be born alive.


The state of children’s health in Ohio is alarming. Our mental health and addiction, chronic disease, and maternal and infant health statistics are unacceptable. We must urgently address the rising numbers of children in danger of harming themselves or others. To combat childhood obesity and unsafe sleep practices, and find solutions to premature birth rates in order to save lives.

Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among youth, and Ohio ranking 45thin infant mortality, something must be done immediately. I will work relentlessly to move the needle on these issues in regard to policy that can impact child health directly.


Unfortunately,64%of Ohio’s children are not proficient in reading by the 4thgrade and64%of 8thgraders are not proficient in math. We must start earlier, and help disadvantaged children be school-ready.

There must be support and funding to address the fact that 54% of preschoolers do not have access or opportunity to be in school.

Every child deserves to have a good education, regardless of where they are born. Our future workforce depends on the success of all children and we must help them be prepared for 21stcentury jobs. This means our local schools need the state to support their mandates and need to have control given back to the communities that know their students best.

Second Amendment

Currently, there is not a centralized system or database connecting the courts, law enforcement and those that conduct background checks. Since one of the primary responsibly of government is to protect its people, citizens with certain criminal backgrounds and those with mental health concerns should not be able to legally obtain weapons.

We mustensure we have updated systems and new technology in place to enforce current federal law to keep felons from purchasing guns and give our law enforcement the support they need to protect the masses. As an NRA member,I firmly believe in the right to legally own a gun and promote responsible education of firearms use. Additionally, I think the best way to prevent mass shootings is to have a well-armed citizenry that have the option of conceal and carry.


As your Senator, I will support policies for low taxes, job creation, and less regulation for business development that results in growth for Ohio. The best way to ensure our economy stays healthy and strong is to invest in our future work force. We must promote trade schools, internship opportunities, and apprenticeships that build our career pipelines for success.

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