Brian Thomas

Brian Thomas

Based in Cincinnati, OH, the Brian Thomas Morning Show covers news and politics, both local and national, from a libertarian point of view.Full Bio


Empower U - Emma Jo Morris

This Class is being offered as a Virtual Class Only.

EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA

225 Northland Blvd

Cincinnati Ohio 45246

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Required Reading:  Eyewitness Account of the Rave Massacre Where 260 Israeli Youth Were Killed, Table Magazine by Liel Leibovitz

Learn the Challenges a Conservative Journalist Encounters in Today’s Media

Breitbart’s Emma Jo Morris joins EmpowerU this evening. Learn how an unholy alliance among our nation’s Intelligence Community, Social Media, and the Establishment Press silenced Emma’s reporting and kept the American people from learning the truth about the Biden Crime Family.

In Emma’s talk, you’ll learn:

  • How Emma-Jo secured the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop
  • The hurdles she faced in getting her stories published.
  • What it was like for her when her work was published…how it felt to be smeared and ridiculed by the “mainstream media,” and censored by all of social media
  • How she endured, and what the move to Breitbart News did to turbo-charge her resolve.
  • What the victories large and small really mean:

Some of Emma’s ongoing investigations include New York Times Curated Distorted Hit Piece Targeting Hasidic Jews, Leading to Yeshiva Regulation, spending a day with a Biden migrant who arrived in New York City on a bus sent by Governor Abbot, comprised of mostly adult men, and private school teachers nationwide being trained by Black Panthers to implement race-essentialist and cultural Marxist curriculum.

Speaker Bio:

Emma Jo Morris- Morris earned acclaim for her “laptop from hell” scoops while working as deputy politics editor at the New York Post, reporting some of the most explosive stories about Biden family corruption prior to the 2020 election. The fallout from her work exposed the machine-like collaboration among Big Tech, the corporate media, the intelligence community, and the Democratic Party to blunt the impact of her stories, thus helping to ensure a Biden win.  

She joined Breitbart News in 2021 as politics editor and testified before Congress in July 2023 about the censorship of her work, preventing the American people from learning the truth about the Biden crime family.  She continues to chase stories of the Bidens’ misdeeds and coverups, discussing them recently on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News. 

Her conservative voice, developed early on at the family dinner table in her native Quebec where her parents insisted on conversation — no TV, no phones – is augmented not only by lessons from her time at the Post, but also from Hannity on the Fox News Channel where she had previously worked as an associate producer. “They taught me that for conservatives in media, there is a different standard, because we’re surrounded by people waiting for us to slip up.”

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