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Mason Bee Tips

TIPS & REMINDERS - Spring Mason Bees

The secret life of mason bee cocoons. By now, you stored the filled nesting materials in a location that has similar warm temperatures to the outdoor weather, like an unheated garage or garden shed. Mason bee larvae need the warm summer weather as they feed and develop. If we could peek inside their homes, we'd see that mason bee larvae are going through a developmental race as they pupate, or change into adult bees. There are several stages of development as the grubby white larvae take shape and gain color, grow hair and wings. When you harvest mason bee cocoons in the fall, you should only see their dark brown cocoons, any white larvae are either another type of bee or a solitary hole-nesting wasp that checked themselves in.


Do not put mason bee nesting holes into the fridge yet! Remember that we are mimicking nature's conditions. It's not cold outside yet and the mason bee larvae and pupae depend on the warm summer weather to develop and grow into adult bees. You will only put cleaned and harvested mason bee cocoons into the fridge in the fall. 

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