Looking around the landscapes this week, ain’t no bout a doubt it which plant to pick…Hydrangea paniculata, also known as Panicle or PeeGee Hydrangea. BUT, here’s the kicker; there are so many great selections of paniculata’s available today its crazy! Zinfin Doll, Quick Fire, Little Quick Fire, Pinky Winky, Limelight, Little Lime, Little Lamb, Firelight, Bobo…it’s just goes on and on and they’re all great shows for the summer. But what we’re seeing right now, are the all-white selections…cone-shaped, white, and sticking up away from the plant putting on one heck of a show. And you know what else I like about the paniculata types? They’re very hardy (Zone 3 for most), take full sun and part shade, and bloom on new wood (prune late winter / early spring) consistently every year! Ya gotta love ‘em!
BOBO Hydrangea
Joe Strecker Plant of the Week
Lycoris squamigera, or commonly known as Naked Ladies, Resurrection Lily, Magic Lily, Surprise Lily, and probably a few more common names, is in the Amaryllis family. Cold hardy to Zone 5, this bulb produces strap like green foliage in the spring, which die back in the summer. Then, in August, thick naked flower-scapes rise to about 24”, each bearing multiple funnel shaped rose pink (some white) slightly fragrant flowers! And these flower-scapes seem to come up over night! Foliage in spring – dies back early summer – then suddenly in late July / August the flowers appear out of nowhere – thus the common names mentioned. Great in borders, open woodland areas, perennial gardens, meadows, even in containers. [Loves good loamy well drained soils – sun to part shade – usually planted in the fall (can be dug and divided after flowering or after foliage begins to die back – but mostly after flowering) – plant 5-6 inches deep and 6 inches apart - slowly naturalizes over time.]