Ron Wilson Plants of the Week
As I look around at annual plantings this year, there seem to be a few that really stand out…both their show and the fact that so many folks planted them. Coleus is one and rightfully so with so many selections, colors, and sun or shade tolerant. And they’re easy to grow. Cleome is another for the same reasons, as well as the ornamental sweet potato vines, especially Margarite. But the one that has really stood out for me this year, in landscapes, containers and as a great pollinator plant for planting in the vegetable garden (great for cutting as well), would be the wonderful selections of ZINNIAS!
Direct planted from seed or using transplants, here is a group of annuals that are easy to grow, love the sun, love the heat and tolerate the drought…all the while giving your garden a rainbow of colors. And I think there’s about any color available in a zinnia. Short, tall, flower heads of all types...Zinnias have you covered. Now, I always used to think Zinna and powdery mildew. And yes, some of the selections can get it worse than others. Many of the newer selections are resistant. But even if they got powdery mildew, they usually still put on a great show…with gray/white foliage!
Joe Strecker Plant of Week
Looking for a unique plant for your landscape? Try the Hearts of Gold Redbud. Did you know there is a golden Redbud? The Hearts of Gold Redbud brings incredible golden heart-shaped foliage and then in the spring those great lavender blooms