Ron Wilson

Ron Wilson

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Plants of the Week - April 14th 2018

Millenium Allium

A summer blooming perennial with clear purple blooms that bloom for an extended period. This easy to grow plant is drought tolerant and has lush green foliage all summer. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Pardon My Purple Bee Balm

Petite variety with fuchsia purple, tubular blooms from June through August. This long blooming, mildew resistant variety enjoys moist soil. Draws hummingbirds and butterflies to the garden.

Nana Tickseed

A native variety with bright yellow daisy-like flowers with a yellow center. It blooms profusely in early summer with intermittent blooms till fall. This is an easy to grow, sun loving perennial for beds and borders.

Purple Gem Dwarf Rhododendron

A dwarf evergreen shrub with clusters of showy lavender purple spring blooms. It enjoys moist, acidic soils and dappled sunlight. It makes an ideal accent plant for foundation plantings, beds and woodland sites.

My Monet Weigela

A delicate mixture of cream, green and pink foliage has three season garden interest. It is accented by tubular pink blooms in spring. The compact habit makes it the perfect size for flower borders, perennial gardens and as a container accent.

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