Indoor gardening is hot, trendy, and actually good for you at the same time…especially bringing more tropical / foliage plants into the home.Many are now ‘Plant parents’.But in many homes, additional lighting may be needed to be more successful with your indoor plants.So over the next couple weeks, we’ll look at a few indoor plants that I think are the easiest for you to grow.
ZZ Plant –The only way to kill this plant is overwater it, or try to grow it in total darkness.Dark shiny green leaves, grows about 3-4 feet tall but as wide as the pot its growing in, tolerates a wide array of light conditions, water, let dry for a while then water…what more could you ask for?Zamiocolcas
Mother-in- Laws Tongue (Snake Plant) –Probably the second toughest indoor plant out there, and really making a comeback for indoor and out!Tolerates a wide array of light, let dry before watering, and take a look below.So many new selections to choose from!Sansevieria
Pass it Along Plant / Money Plant –Easy to grow and one of the hottest plants today, thanks to Pinterest.Tolerates a wide array of light, water. Let dry, water when you can, pet friendly, and has become the new trendy plant to take a leaf cutting, root it, and then pass it along to a friend, family member, or neighbor!Typically a little more expensive when you buy one.You’ll also find a great selection of many types of Pilea plants, all of which are very easy to grow.Pilea
Golden Pothos –Devils Ivy / Taro vine / ivy arum (Epipremnum aureum) Easy one to grow and one of the best air purifiers!Fast growing vine, easily clipped and controlled (easy to propagate as well), likes brighter light (nothing direct) but tolerates lower light.Likes to get dry before watering again.
Cast Iron Plant –Bar Room Plant - (Aspidistra elatior)Your basic looking indoor plant with long lance shaped leaves, this tough-as nails houseplant performs just as well outdoors in the shade (summer only) as it does indoors everything from bright light (nothing direct) to low light areas.Drought tolerant let this bullet proof plant dry out before you water.Basic looking, but one extra tough indoor plant, and outdoors in the shade.The name says it all.
Chlorophytum comosum, Spider Plant or Airplane Plant, is easy to grow, thriving in a wide range of conditions. They will tolerate temperatures down to 35 °F, but grow best at temperatures between 65 °F and 90 °F. Let them dry out between watering; they have large swollen tubes under the soil to hold water.They tolerate low and bright light; one of the best for reducing indoor air pollution.
Syngonium podophyllum, Arrowhead Vine, has distinctly arrow-shaped leaves.Many to choose, and the colorful leaves keep their variegation -- even in low-light spots, so this is a top pick for dressing up just about any corner of your home.Also called Nepthytis.
Peperomia species, Peperomia is a diverse group of small houseplants with waxy and often highly textured leaves. Its waxy, colorful foliage adds a splash of color in any room -- without taking up a lot of space.Tolerates low light and wants to dry between watering.
Crassula ovate, or Jade Plant, this slow grower can survive for decades if it has bright light and stays dry. It combines well with cacti and other succulents. It appreciates normal room temperatures during the growing season but grows best if you keep it on the cool side and just moist enough to prevent leaves from shriveling through winter.Low-water, treelike plant with interesting, gnarly branches and succulent, fleshy leaves.
I would like to add the many different types of succulents available today which most require about the same care as the Jade.One would be Haworthiopsis attenuata, or commonly known as Zebra Plant.Takes bright or low light and withstands long periods of drought, cool and warm temps, and basically non attentive abuse.That is why you see it on so many desks in office settings!