Ron Wilson

Ron Wilson

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Plant of the Week - Spice Bush

Think native, think early flowering, think slightly fragrant early flowers, think early pollinators, think fruits for wildlife, think sun to shade, think deer tolerant, think invasive honeysuckle replacement, think clay soils and wet soils, think tolerant of black walnuts, think butterfly food source (swallowtails), think aromatic leaves plus tea from the leaves (and twigs) …can you pick a plant that covers all of this? Its Lindera benzoin, or commonly known as Spicebush, N. Spicebush, Wild Allspice, and even Forsythia of the Wilds.Large growing deciduous shrub with leaves 3-6 inches long, tiny pale yellow flowers in early spring (male plants / female plants), glossy red fruit on female plants, golden yellow fall color, tolerates shady moist areas but more sun and fuller plant with more fruit, no serious disease or insect issues…so yes, think Spice bush!

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