Rita goes strawberry pickin'Photo: Rita Heikenfeld
Here’s a fun and yummy recipe for an easy strawberry jam.
2 heaping cups fresh strawberries, crushed
2-3 tablespoons lemon juice
3-4 cups sugar (I know it’s a lot, but jam takes a lot of sugar to jell)
1 package, 1.75 oz., dry pectin
3/4 to 1 cup water
Mix crushed. Berries with sugar and lemon and let stand 10 minutes.
While it’s sitting, stir pectin into water and bring to a boil.
Boil for 1 minute only, the stir the boiling mixture into the strawberries right away.
Let stand a few minutes before pouring into jars.
Place lids on jars and let sit on counter 24 hours. Then freeze for up to 6 months.