Okay, I’m going totally away from the seasonal pick, to chose one of the easiest and most well-known indoor plant that you can grow. BUT, not only is it a great indoor plant (takes about any condition and one of the best for purifying the air), it does equally well outdoors (during the summer) in hanging baskets, in planters, window boxes, as a filler and spiller, and as an accent plant in the landscape / also creating an interesting border – low hedging annual. Green or variegated foliage, some wider, some curly, some white, some yellow, and yes, it even flowers! Just about anyone and their brother has probably had one of these at one time. Now you see why I’m saying this plant needs to get even more recognition. So, what is this phenomenal tropical plant? Chlorophytum comosum or known to you and me as Spider Plant (also called Spider Ivy, Ribbon Plant, even Hen and Chickens!)
Okay we all know about its indoor qualities, but we forget what a major player it can be when used in the gardening outdoors! Plant in the ground like an annual and take advantage of the growing habit, foliage colors, and flowers. I’ve created a nice border with I along walks or in front of taller annuals and perennials, used it in mixed planters and window boxes (by itself or mixed), as a hanging basket, etc. Once rooted in those tuberous roots help hold moisture, so they don’t dry out quickly, and it’s amazing how fast they grow outdoors. And, when the summer season is over, simply pull and pitch like and annual, dig – pot up – and bring inside, or take those babies and pot those up for indoors! By the way, Spider Plants can tolerate cooler temps – down to mid-30’s for a short period – best 65 to 90 degrees!
Speaking of those baby spiders…here’s my next thought. These are so easy to propagate, why not become the spider queen or king of your family, friends, and neighbors. Within 3-4 weeks you can have a wonder container filled with rooted in Spider Plants, perfect for giving away! And, again, so easy for those who receive them, to be successful growing them. Hail the mighty SPIDER PLANT!