As plantsman Kevin Odell has said many times, if you want an early spring bloomer that’s showier than azaleas and hardier as well, don’t forget flowering quince. Now there are many selections of flowering quince available today, but I want to show you a new series called “Double Take”. They’re called Double take for 2 reasons: they produce double flowers and when they’re in flower, you’re sure to take a double take! 4 colors available: Orange, Peach, Pink and Scarlet. Folks, we’re talking effortless spring color here! Serious, pure rich colors rarely need pruning (very little maintenance), and they’re thorn less (unlike most other quince). Tolerate heat and dry conditions, and yes, even attracts the early pollinators. 4-5’ high and wide / loves the sun / blooms on old growth / mid to late spring / very hardy / use for border plant, cut flower, screening in the landscape, mass plantings, specimen plant. IF pruning is needed, prune after they finish flowering. WHEN IN FLOWER, THESE QUINCE WILL MAKE YOU TAKE A DOUBLE TAKE!(Proven Winners Images)