USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) released a Federal Order yesterday providing new information on the expansion of quarantines for the Box Tree Moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis, family Crambidae). The Order also noted that conditions for interstate movement of regulated articles have been established.
You can read the entire Federal Order by clicking on this hotlink:
Movement of Boxwood Plants
BTM Compliance Agreements are aimed at reducing the business impacts for nursery stock producers located within the BTM-regulated areas while at the same time protecting those outside the regulated areas from BTM. In Ohio, the agreement requires nursery stock producers to work closely with their ODA Nursery Inspector to implement a multi-step BTM pest management plan developed by the ODA/USDA in conjunction with research scientists.
Strict adherence to the agreement allows shipments to be made outside of the quarantine zone. Nursery producers can learn more about the agreement by contacting their ODA Nursery Inspector.
The following is quoted from the Federal Order:
“Boxwood plants may only be moved interstate from a quarantined area from an establishment operating under a compliance agreement, and only if accompanied by a certificate issued by a State Agricultural Authority certifying that the requirements of this Federal Order and the compliance agreement have been met. These requirements will prevent producers and distributors of boxwood from moving infested plants interstate. State Agricultural Authorities may prescribe additional safeguards and protocols.”
“All other regulated articles of boxwood, including plant parts, pieces, cuttings, clippings, debris, and any portion of the plant, alive or dead, except for decorative purposes, are prohibited from movement.”
Photo: Joe Boggs
Quarantine Highlights
The overarching purpose of a plant pest quarantine is to prevent the further spread of the regulated pest through the movement of infested plant material. Quarantines are the law, so plant sellers and installers need to have a clear understanding of the geographical boundaries for plant pest quarantines. Following are the changes noted in the Federal Order.
The Federal Order references quarantines previously reported by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA). The following is a quote noting the Federal Order, “establishes quarantines in Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties in Ohio, as well as the portions of Montgomery County, Ohio, to the south of Interstate 70; and the portions of Greene County that are west of SR 68 to the north of Xenia, and west of [sic] interstate 42 to the south of Xenia in Ohio.”
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
A BTM quarantine is now in effect for the entire Commonwealth.
The BTM quarantine adds all of Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Jackson, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, and Wayne Counties to the quarantines previously established in Lenawee and Washtenaw Counties and parts of Jackson and Monroe Counties.
New York
The BTM quarantine adds Franklin, Genesee, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Oswego, Otsego, Tioga, Tompkins, Saint Lawrence, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates Counties to the quarantines previously established in Eerie, Niagara, and Orleans Counties.